
I’m a down-to-earth Software Engineer known for my resourcefulness, reliability, resiliency, and humility. I stay positive and composed under pressure and always prioritize my team’s needs above my own. I have experience with full-stack Node.js applications and the AWS cloud.

More About Me


My name is Sergio Pichardo. I'm a Nicaraguan-American Software Engineer based in Mississippi.

As a professional, I pride myself on being reliable, resourceful, and resilient. However, I understand the importance of striking a balance between work and leisure. So, while I'm dedicated to my work, I also enjoy having fun and taking time to enjoy life.

I have a great passion for learning and taking on new challenges. As a visual and kinesthetic learner, I find creating diagrams and getting hands-on experience incredibly helpful for understanding new concepts.

Despite my ambitious nature, I remain approachable and grounded. I possess the ability to remain calm and collected even in the most stressful situations. Furthermore, I am a natural leader who believes in prioritizing the team's goals over personal ambitions.

In my free time, I like to read non-fiction books on business, cloud computing, and mental models. I'm also a fan of sci-fi and thriller movies, and I enjoy playing guitar, soccer, and hiking.

Technical Experience

I have a particular set of skills... (I'm hoping you get the reference lol)

Regarding my technical skills, I have practical experience working with various programming languages and frameworks, including Node.js/Express, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python/Flask, and Go.

I am well-versed in developing APIs using Express and Flask, and I have a good understanding of Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodologies such as unit, integration, and end-to-end testing.

In addition, I have extensive hands-on experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and have expertise in designing and implementing solutions using Infrastructure as Code (IoC) tools such as the Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and Terraform.

Armada My latest project, Armada, was a full-stack application designed to set up and deploy development environments on a large scale. While working on Armada, my primary focus was on designing, implementing, and deploying our cloud infrastructure. You can learn more about it by reading our comprehensive case study.

Skills at a Glance

Languages and Frameworks

NodeJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Flask, Go, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS, Express, React, MongoDB, Git, GitHub, bash, Linux, REST APIs, WebHooks, Testing (Unit, Integration, End-to-End), Jest, SuperTest, Cypress

Cloud Computing and Tools

AWS, VPC, EC2, ELB, ECS, EFS, Lambda, CDK, CloudFormation, Terraform, Cognito, RDS, DynamoDB, Heroku, DigitalOcean, Nginx, Docker, Route 53, S3, CloudFront


AWS Developer (Associate)